Meadow Pond Trail - Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge


Meadow Pond trail is located at Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge along Lake Texoma. The trail can be accessed near the Big Mineral Day Use Area. It is an out and back trail nearly six miles in length roundtrip. It is the longest trail at the refuge and follows an old rail bed that once ran through the town of Hagerman. The trail doubles as a maintenance road, is covered with gravel, and is flat. Because of these factors, I had low expectations for this trail. I was pleasantly surprised by what this trail had to offer.

The trail begins shaded. You will likely see and hear lots of birds as you make your way down the path. Roughly 1/2 mile into the trail, you will come across Deaver Pond, one of two ponds along the trail. A bench next to the pond makes for a good place to take a rest, eat a snack, or admire the view. 

As you continue your way down the trail, it will open up to prairie for a period before returning to forest. On the day I hiked this trail, in addition to the numerous aquatic birds, I also saw turtles, white-tailed deer, and feral hogs. This trail had no shortage of feral hogs. Even when they were not seen, I could hear them in the forest.

As you approach the two mile-mark of the trail, you will come across Meadow Pond, the trail's namesake feature. When I made this hike in July, blossoming American Lotus Plants had taken over the pond. The view of this lake is nothing less than stunning as you take it in.

Continuing down the trail, you will be see forested wetlands, a feature not common in North Texas. As you approach the three mile mark and turnaround point of the trail, you will see a Union Pacific rail road which is currently in use. Trains will disrupt the quiet and serenity of the trail once in a while. 

Be advised that portions of the refuge are closed during the year for hunting. Check the refuge or Friends of Hagerman websites to find dates. Hagerman National Wildlife is a North Texas gem. Even if you opt to forgo a hike on one of the refuge's trails, it is worth your time just to drive through the refuge roads and admire the wildlife, especially the birds. 

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