Eagle Activity Trail - Ray Roberts Lake State Park


The Eagle Activity Trail is located at the Isle du Bois Unit of Ray Roberts Lake State Park. The trail is a mere .3 mile in length and can be accessed just past the park entrance. The trailhead is directly across from the Lost Pines Trail. This is a loop trail that is aimed at educating children on wildlife native to the park. 

This trail is set in a pine forest, something more common to East Texas than North Texas. The trail's best feature is the activities that it offers to youth.

Along the trail several activity stations are set up which encourage children to stand like a heron, scamper like a squirrel, hide like a fawn and bask like a lizard among other activities. Along with the activity is educational information on wildlife.

Obviously, this is a great trail for children. While this trail is short is distance, it is far from short in activity and educational opportunities. This trail is located next to the park's nature center which is open on weekends.

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