Lost Pines Trail - Ray Roberts Lake State Park


The Lost Pines Trail is located at the Isle du Bois Unit of Ray Roberts Lake State Park. The trail can be accessed just past the entrance to the park. It is a loop trail just under 1 mile in length and includes a view of the lake. While this trail may not be long, it is offers one a chance to hike through a pine forest and learn about North Texas plant life.

Ray Roberts Lake State Park sits in the Eastern Cross Timbers, a place where you are likely to find post oak, blackjack oak, cedar elm, and winged elm trees. While these trees can be found along the trail, most of the trees along this trail are loblolly pine. One can easily forget that they are in North Texas as they walk this trail.

This is an interpretive trail filled with signs noting information about the native plant life. Information is offered on a variety of plants including loblolly pine, yucca, blackjack oak, Mexican plum, post oak, Hercules club, poison ivy, winged elm, and American beautyberry among other plants. These signs educate young and old alike on the trail's plant life.

Midway through the trail, a short offshoot offers access to the lake. If you are lucky, you will see birds near the shore or flying overhead. In addition to experiencing nature, you will also have an opportunity to view local history. Standing along the trail is a sandstone chimney that was once attached to a house. The house was built in the 1880s and abandoned in 1949. 

This trail has no changes in elevation. Along with its short distance, educational opportunities, and its unique setting in a pine forest, this is a great trail for introducing your children to hiking and the outdoors. Just across the way from this trail is the Ray Roberts Nature Center (open on weekends). 

Being set in a pine forest makes this a unique North Texas trail. It is especially great for families with small children. The only significant thing to be aware of is the equestrian trail that passes through it. If you are not careful, you can find yourself taking a wrong turn and headed off on another trail! After completing this trail, check out the nearby Eagle Activity Trail

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