Lake Loop Trail - Bonham State Park

A hiking trail does not have to be long to provide a great hiking experience. The Lake Loop Trail at located at Bonham State Park proves this. This 1.3 mile long trail nestled between the park's lake and main road takes you on a walk through the woods. Two trails at Bonham State Park bear the title of Lake Loop. One trail is located along the eastern side of the lake. The other trail bearing this name, and the one that is the focus of this review, is located along the lake's southern shore. 

Bonham State Park is on the small side, coming in at 261 acres including a 65 acre lake. The park contains roughly seven miles of hiking trails. While this park may be small in size, it is filled with beauty and history as it was built in the 1930s by the Civilian Conservation Corps. The park's small size and easily connected trails make it possible to hike all the trails in a single day without ever moving your vehicle. 

The Lake Loop Trail trail can be accessed along the park's main road. After entering the park, take a left at the split. You will see the trail to your right as you drive towards the park lake's dam. If you cross the dam, you have gone too far!  There is no parking lot at the trailhead, so you will have to park a distance away or along the park's main road. A short distance into the trail is a bench looking over the lake. 

Continuing on, it is decision time as the trail splits to form the loop. You will need to choose whether to go left or right. I made the choice to go right. 

The trail is dominated by tall Eastern Red Cedar trees. The trail is not marked, but it was well defined and easy to follow. With the trail being confined between the park's lake and main road, getting lost is not likely as both of these features are visible along the trail. 

One plant on this trail that caught my attention was called Alabama Supplejack. This plant twists and contorts itself in numerous ways. It is a twisting, burning vine with green to almost black, smooth bark. It hangs close to or even chokes the trunks of trees. It was plentiful on this trail. Interpretive signs, such as the one pictured here, are stationed along the trail and provide information on plant life along the trail. 

This heavily wooded trail blocked out sunlight and blocked views of the lake. Lots of birds, especially turkey vultures, could be seen in the trees above. Roughly half way through the trail, you have the opportunity to connect to the the Armadillo Trail which is on the opposite side of the road from the Lake Loop Trail. 

The lakeside portion of the trail offers views of the lake opposite from the park headquarters and campsites. The lake view was peaceful and beautiful as the setting sun provided some great "golden hour" lighting. 

At just over one mile, this trail is more of a walk than a hike.  If you want more hiking, other hiking options at the park include the Gnarly Root Trail, Bois d'Arc Trail, and Armadillo Trail. Bonham State Park may be small in size, but its trails are filled with natural beauty and offer an opportunity for some leisurely hiking. 

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