Isle du Bois DORBA Trails - Ray Roberts Lake State Park


Ray Roberts Lake State Park has lots of options for hiking. There are short and easy trails, such as the Lost Pines Trail. You can hike the Greenbelt Trail if you want to get in some miles. If you desire a hike somewhere in the middle, you can check out the Dogwood Canyon Trail. In addition to these hiking trails, there are also trails maintained by the Dallas Off-Road Bicycle Association (DORBA). While the primary purpose of these trails is mountain biking, a person can also hike them. DORBA maintains trails at both the Johnson Branch and Isle du Bois units of Ray Roberts Lake State Park. This review focuses on the DORBA Trails at Isle du Bois. Admission to Ray Roberts Lake State Park is $7 per person per day over age 12 (as of December 2022).

The Isle du Bois DORBA Trails are a series of interconnected loop trails that run through the forests and along the shorelines of Ray Roberts Lake. The loops have alphabetical designations, bearing the letters A through E. The loops vary in difficulty and length, ranging from .2 to 3.6 miles. A hike on the entirety of the trail system yields about 10 miles.

The trailhead for the DORBA Trails is located on the North side of the park's main road just across from the parking area for the Wild Plum camping area. If you reach the swimming beach and playgrounds, you have gone too far! 

Loops A and B are short and undemanding. You will likely think you have an easy hike ahead. Don't be fooled! 

Difficulty increases with Loop C. This is the longest section of the trail system. Loop D is the most challenging section of the trail. The trail map notes that this section is "expert only." There are numerous rock gardens and elevation changes in this area.

The trail gets easier as you transition onto Loop E. Your hard work to this point will be rewarded with beautiful views of the lake. 

The trail's path is well-defined and fairly easy to follow. This trail contains numerous twists and curves. Navigation is mostly straightforward as there is regular signage marking the loops. However, there were a few places where having All Trails available on my phone proved to be beneficial. 

There is a lot to like about these trails. The various loops allow you to choose the length of your hike. Plus, this trail offers challenges with its rock gardens and changes in elevation. Be advised that this trail is popular with off-road bicycle riders, so exercise caution! You will likely see many deer on this trail. The Isle du Bois DORBA Trails make for a great day of hiking.

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